
“Parenting is so different than it used to be.” “I wasn’t brought up like this.” I hear statements like this and many others that describe parents’ frustration with the way their children behave and the type of discipline techniques that they are encouraged to use. We live in an era where we feel like we have to check our children’s Snapchat or Instagram page to know what they are thinking or doing. My goal is come alongside you and your child to help you all get on the same page. Whether your family has been through divorce, grief, or other stressful life events, my focus is on improving communication, building trust and developing attachment. Many times, our children want to tell us something, but instead they act out in inappropriate ways (i.e. arguing, yelling, crying, destroying objects, etc.). I’m here to help you all “speak the same language” again, so that both parents and children can have a better understanding of each other’s motives, intent and goals.

Child Mental Health Diagnosis

If your child has been diagnosed with a mental health disorder, such as Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, Anxiety, Depression or Posttraumatic Stress Disorder, parenting can feel exhausting and confusing. Sometimes it’s difficult to tell if the child’s behavior is caused by the mental health diagnosis or if it is typical childhood behavior. I would like to help you distinguish between the two concerns and help you and your child manage their behavior. I use numerous therapeutic techniques to make therapy interesting, beneficial and fun for your child. These include, but are not limited to Play Therapy, Sandtray therapy, Expressive Arts therapy and Eye Movement and Desensitization for Children. Please read more about these at the websites below.

Association for Play Therapy

Sand Tray Therapy

Expressive Arts Therapy

EMDR for Kids

Parental Mental Health Diagnosis

Sometimes parents may struggle with their own mental health diagnoses such as Anxiety, Depression, Bipolar or Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. If can be difficult to gain the energy, motivation and stamina to balance your health and the needs of your family. Maybe you are still recovering from a divorce, grief, or your own childhood trauma, so it is challenging to “heal yourself” while trying to help your child. I offer individual adult counseling to parents who are trying to improve their life, because they know that if they are stronger, their whole family will be more stable as well.